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Yes. According to several autobiographies and George Klien (a member of Elvis' "Memphis Mafia") Rick and Elvis met several times. First time was when Rick went to an after-concert party in 1957 after Elvis performed in CA. When Elvis saw Rick, he ran over to him and gave him a "bear hug" and lifted him off the floor. He and Elvis talked alone for about half and hour about Rick's upcoming tour - it would be the first one he'd be going on outside of California. Before Elvis went into the Army, when in CA, he and his guys would play football. Rick was invited and brought along some of his friends who later became NFL players. The games became "bloodbaths" but all had a good time and would retire to Elvis' rented mansion so everyone could eat and drink and have a good time.

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13y ago

All I know for a fact is that Elvis admired Tony Curtis's hairstyle to the point of copying it earlier on in his career. They might have hit it off, sharing hobbies like chasing women, playing pranks and making music, though Tony only played the Flute whereas Elvis could play piano, drums and guitar to accompany his golden voice. It's a pity that Elvis never really tried his hand at comedic acting, it might have suited his innate sense of humour and surely he could have learnt the ropes from Tony, who was second to none at this.

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13y ago

Yes briefly during the filming of Raintree County in 1957 as Natalie Wood was great friends with Mongomery Cliff and Natalie introduced Elvis to Montgomery Cliff and Elizabeth Taylor and their introduction/conversation lasted less than a minute.

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