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Yes he did, he was hoping to work with her at some point.

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Q: Did Michael Jackson like lady gaga?
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Is Lady Gaga like Michael Jackson?

No-One can ever try to be like The King Of Popular Music

Who is Lady Gaga's music idol?

Lady GaGa was influenced by famous singers such as David Bowie and Freddie Mercury, as well as dance pop artists like Madonna and Michael Jackson.

Does Lady Gaga know Michael Jackson?

Lady Gaga only knew Michael Jackson through his private social networking site, and Michael claimed " She sounds like a fascinating eccentric woman who i cant wait to meet!" At the sad passing of the king of pop, Lady Gaga stated "I am deeply upset by this terrible incident. I thought Michael's music was iconic - i often dreamed of having a successful career with him - maybe even record a song with him."

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The cast of Cake Like Lady Gaga - 2012 includes: Lady Gaga as Lady Gaga

Did Lady Gaga like her name?

Lady Gaga does like her name. She is the one who came up with the name Lady Gaga.

Why do you like Lady Gaga brtter then kesha?

i hate lady gaga kesha rocks 100% more then lady gaga

What kind of pop does Adam Lambert like?

There is only one kind of pop, and he loves it. His favorite pop artists are Madonna, Katy Perry, P!nk, Michael Jackson, and Lady Gaga.

Does Lady Gaga dance or sing better?

She is like Micheal Jackson, shes amazing at both. And she can act.

Did Lady Gaga ever get on broad way?

lady gaga what do like

Do Lady Gaga like Marilyn Monroe?

no,lady gaga hates her .

Does Justin Bieber like Lady Gaga?

NO. He is in compitition with Lady gaga.

Does Nicki Minaj like Lady Gaga?

I think Nicki Minaj does like Lady Gaga, But Nicki Minaj doesn't like being compared to Lady Gaga