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Q: Do budgies wing feathers grow back?
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If you cut the parakeets wing to much will the parakeets wing grow back?

i have cut my budgies wings a little bit to far, but it still grew, but very slowly. I have, 2 parrots,6 lovebirds, 8 budgies, and 1 conure baby birds.

If a bats wing is torn will it grow back?

when bats sleep there wing will grow back.

Will a wild bird's wing feathers grow back and will it be able to fly again?

If it is only the feathers that are cut then yes. They will grow back when the bird molts. The feathers make up the vast majority of the wings surface area so when you say half-way it only sound like the feathers.

How do budgies sleep?

Budgies normally sleep on one leg with their head tucked under their wing, standing up!

Where would you find a bird's contour feathers?

technicaly its Wings and Back PCH=Wing and Tail

What are the feathers on a turkey wing called?

Turkey feathers.

What do you do if your budgies wings arent growing back fully after they are clipped Do you pluck the unreplaced feathers out if so will it hurt the bird?

Never pluck a birds feathers. I dont know what you are thinking. To a bird plucking feathers if almost as painful as if someone were to pull out your hair! Bad idea -x-x-x-x- Ok, so what can I do if my bird's wings aren't growing back fully?

Can Magpies grow missing wing feather back - I have a magpie that has been attacked by other Magpies and has a broken foot and feathers missing. It can fly but I want to know if feather grow back?

Yes. All birds will regrow feathers. Birds go through a molt each year. Molt is the loss of old and damaged feathers and the regrowth on new ones. If the magpie can still fly and if it survives until its next molting period, it will have a new feather to replace the lost one.

Where are the feathers called plummels located on a owls wing?

tips of the main feathers

Bird in Greece with blue wing feathers?

The bird with blue wing feathers in Greece is called a Blue Winged Teal. It has cinnamon brown body feathers and patterned black marks on it.

When you buy a 'whole wing' from a fly tying supplier do you literally get the whole wing bones and all or just the skin with feathers attached or just loose feathers?

U just get skin and feathers.

Do a bats wing covered with feathers?
