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Q: Do large predators use more or less energy than producers?
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How do predators select their prey?

Most predators choose prey based on the size of the prey, the needs of the predator (how many mouths there are to feed, how long it's been since the predator(s) ate, etc), how strong or weak the prey appears to be, and other such factors. Many predators will target the young and weak specifically because they require less energy to chase, catch and kill.

What does an energy pyramid show us about energy in a food chain?

The difference is that a food chain is one path of energy, and a food web is overlapping food chains. As for an energy pyramid it show that there is less and less food and energy available as you go from the base to the top of the pyramid

What is A and B in appliances?

These are Relative Energy Efficiency (REE) ratings which indicate how much energy they consume to do their jobs as fridges or freezers, washing machines, dryers, etc. relative to other makes and models of the same kind of appliance. An appliance with an REE of A uses less energy than one with a rating of B; an appliance with an REE of B uses less energy than one with a rating of C; an appliance with an REE of C uses less energy than one with a rating of D, etc.

Why is it important to use less electricity?

Because every bit of electrical energy that you use has a price, and it had to be generated by something. If you fail to conserve, you'll be wasting money and resources. Common misconception: People tend to not think about the fact that everything is limited in some way, and harnessable energy on Earth with modern technology is not everlasting, so conserve.

Why are dogs brown?

Monkeys are the color they are for camouflage. In the biosphere they inhabit, there are many shadows and dark sections. The monkey can blend in with his surroundings, thus becoming less of a target for other predators.

Related questions

Do predators use more or less energy than producers?


There is less energy available to consumers at higher levels in a food why?

There is less energy available to consumers(animals) ,because most of the energy from the sun is used by the producers(plants)

Why is there fewer predators than prey?

because of the passing of energy from one animal to the other. Producers make 1000 energy from the sun. Then as the next animal eats it, like the grasshopper, the grasshopper gets only 100 energy from the plant it ate, and so one. There is less predators because the more the energy lost, the more that the for say, frogs have to eat more grasshoppers to get the same amount of energy that the grasshopper got from the grass. So larger predators have to try hard to eat more, so there is less because not many animals can eat enough of the other animals because of the loss of energy.

What ecosystem might have a pyramid of numbers where there are less producers than consumers?

If the producers happen to be large trees, they can be small in number but still have a large biomass, therefore allowing them to support a community of more consumers.

Why is agriculture more important than raising livestock for people to produce food energy?

Agriculture is more efficient because in the energy pyramid they're producers while when you raise livestock they get less the energy when they eat producers. Livestock produces less food energy. Agriculture produces more because when you plant you get more of the nutrients to the vegetable or fruit. If livestock they consume the producer and get less of the energy because when the animal loses the energy it goes to the environment as heat and some energy are stored to the previous level

What trophic level has the greatest amount of energy?

The bottom level which contains plants has the most energy. This is because they get their energy directly from the sun while other animals get it from plants themselves, or other animals. Animals cannot absorb 100% of the energy when they eat plants so the level of energy degrades all the way to the top of the food chain. Each animal gets less and less % of the energy the plant had in the first place.

What is the series of steps that show the transfer of energy among living things?

transfer of energy among living organisms is evident in food chain because the producers receive the most energy while the consumers receive less and less energy depends on its position in the food chain.

What animal eat cacomistle?

Main Predators Are Bobcats, Ringtails, Raccoons, Cougars, Bears And Coyotes. However, Less Frequent Predators Are American Mink, Black Footed Ferrets, Large Snakes, Large Lizards And Other Animals.

Why do large animals need to eat more than small animals?

they have less surface area and lose less heat Larger predators have slower metabolism and burn less fat during activity so they need less fuel

Why are there fewer hawks then blackbirds in the food chain?

hawks are predators and territorial they need large territories to hunt so you see less of them

Is there more energy stored in the producer level or the consumer level?

yes producers have the most energy. then the first level cunsumer has one 10th the energy that producers have. and 2nd level cunsumers have one 10th the energy then a 1st level cunsumer has . etc. etc.

Why are top predators so rare and green plants so common in terrestrial ecological communities?

Because plants are producers - they make food from sunshine. They are eaten by herbivores which are then eaten by carnivores. Each time something is eaten the amount of energy in the resources it eats gets less until at the apex of the food chain there the available resources will only support a few individuals.