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They have no ability to feel empathy or Love. They don't know what they are missing because they have never felt it. The only time they are going to feel a loss is if it cuts into their "supply". Meaning, if they NEED something from that person they may feel a loss but it wouldn't be the kind of loss you and I might feel. You and I may feel greif over actually LOSING that person as a friend or lover but a narcissist will only greive for whatever it was that person is taking with then when they go. Either materialistic or something as simple as attention. He will only feel a loss for the THING another gave him but not the person. They will also probably NEVER admit they miss or grieve for anyone either. Most of the time they just cut you off. Simple as that. That way they don't have to think about it or feel anything.

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Q: Do narcissists eventually realize and regret when they have lost someone special?
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Someone Special - song - was created in 1998.

How do you warn others he is an emotionally abusive narcissist?

You really can't. Think of how you would have reacted if someone had told you he was an emotionally abusive narcissist. You wouldn't have believed it and more likely would have thought the person delivering that news was bitter because he was now with you. You would have sided with your new boyfriend. Narcissists have a special talent of being able to make great first impressions (remember . . . they are attentive and fun at first) and the people they choose are ones who aren't really paying attention to all the signs that all is not what it appears to be. Narcissists often target needy people.You really can't. Think of how you would have reacted if someone had told you he was an emotionally abusive narcissist. You wouldn't have believed it and more likely would have thought the person delivering that news was bitter because he was now with you. You would have sided with your new boyfriend. Narcissists have a special talent of being able to make great first impressions (remember . . . they are attentive and fun at first) and the people they choose are ones who aren't really paying attention to all the signs that all is not what it appears to be. Narcissists often target needy people.You really can't. Think of how you would have reacted if someone had told you he was an emotionally abusive narcissist. You wouldn't have believed it and more likely would have thought the person delivering that news was bitter because he was now with you. You would have sided with your new boyfriend. Narcissists have a special talent of being able to make great first impressions (remember . . . they are attentive and fun at first) and the people they choose are ones who aren't really paying attention to all the signs that all is not what it appears to be. Narcissists often target needy people.You really can't. Think of how you would have reacted if someone had told you he was an emotionally abusive narcissist. You wouldn't have believed it and more likely would have thought the person delivering that news was bitter because he was now with you. You would have sided with your new boyfriend. Narcissists have a special talent of being able to make great first impressions (remember . . . they are attentive and fun at first) and the people they choose are ones who aren't really paying attention to all the signs that all is not what it appears to be. Narcissists often target needy people.

How long does a narcissist keep friends?

For as long as they can. Narcissists need people. They have to have someone to envy them; agree with them; think they are they greatest thing in the world and so on. You are pretty much in their world to be what they need you to be not what you are. They only act of kindness you get is when they notice you have had about enough of them and since they don't want someone to leave their life they throw you something to make you feel special for a bit; then its back to them. And if you do decided to leave well its YOUR loss of course.

Why do people get hooked to narcissists even after breaking up?

For a lot of us, there is nothing better than a challenge. A narcissist is the ultimate challenge. If you can get one to love you (more than they love themselves), you feel pretty special. Everyone wants that feeling, but it's so much healthier to find someone that returns your emotions.

What is the full form of special?

the full form of special is that you have something or someone who is special to you.

Is delani a special name?

Every name is special to someone.

How can you get over someone if everything reminds you of them?

I am sorry to hear you are hurting, but this is a very normal feeling when you split up from someone you still love. It takes time, but eventually that hurt goes away. As soon as you get over the worst of it (a grieving process in a sense) and get back on your feet and get out there with your friends you'll meet someone very special and be glad you didn't settle for this person. Hang on, be strong, and trust me ... you'll meet that special person soon.

What is the difference between important and special?

Special Is Different From Important. Special Is Someone You Will Never Forget For The Rest Of Your Life. Important Is Someone You Need For The Rest Of Your Life.

What children of Poseidon's have special abilities?

All of the children of Poseidon Eventually get they're special abilities. You have to be claimed first though.

How can someone make everyday special by his presence?

You can make your life special

Why do people fall in love with someone they have no chance with and will never love them back?

because love is blind; it has no boundaries, and demolishes all reason. People will aimlessly love a person for a long time before realizing that they're not the only ones in the world, and that there may be other options for them.AnswerSometimes people fall in love with someone believing that they are special and have feelings for them too but then they realize that that person is not special and nothing like they thought he/she was and the love will fade and they will find someone more deserving of their love.