Yes because if they lived in south Carolina then they live in Georgia,
He lives in Atlanta georgia
he does not live in Canada anymore he lives in Georgia - Alantia Georgia
Decatur, Georgia----------not to far from Atlanta, Georgia
about 15 years
Giant snakeheads can't live on land because they are fish and fish, as you know, have gills to breath under water...
Yes Snakeheads are freshwater fish.
Yes snakeheads do. I caught one today in the shreveport area.
Snakeheads - 2001 is rated/received certificates of: Hong Kong:IIB
No, and I hope there are never snakeheads in Idaho. The illegally-planted pike were bad enough.
snakeheads fish lived in china...........
No. Snakeheads are air breather almost like humans and animals, but this doen't mean that they are mammals. They are Fish!
Smaller snakeheads are eaten by bigger fish, sometimes even by other bigger snakeheads. The giant snakeheads usually fall prey to crocodiles, alligators, or even bull sharks.
Yes they do, especially during the monsoon season in Asia, they breed then and they do everything to keep their juvenile snakeheads in safety.
male snakehead fish are thin and has bigger fins and head while female has fat body and has smaller fins
Gay people live in Georgia the same way straight people live in Georgia.