No. Thorny devils feed exclusively on ants. They prefer small, black ants of the Iridomyrmex flavipes species.
Scorpions make good lizard food. There are many predators to scorpions, birds, cats, mice, rats, even humans in certain locations eat scorpions. So lizards eat scorpions, spiders eat scorpions, scorpions eat scorpions and people eat scorpions. I'm sure pocket mice eat scorpions!
at the contrary , are the baby scorpions who eats their own mother... <a href="whatdoscorpionseat.html">What do Scorpions eat?</a>
scarpions eat catuses in the desert to survive
yes, scorpions are carnivores. they eat bugs. wild scorpions eat any bug they can find, but pet scorpions can eat crickets
Scorpions can eat bees if they are able to catch up with them. The scorpions diet is made up of small live insects.
No. Thorny devils live exclusively on ants. It prefers small, black ants of the Iridomyrmex flavipes species.
they slurp through built in straws
Thorny devils' spikes are sharp.
Thorny devils average less than 20cm in length.
Thorny devils can be good pets. It really depends on who you are.
No Thorny devils cannot climb cactuses. Incidentally, cacti are not even native to Australia, which is the natural environment of the thorny devil.
thorny devils are not herbivores because they eat ants, which makes them carnivores. if you dont belive me click on Google images and type in thorny devils eating an you might see on eating ants or other insects
Thorny devils are essentially varying patchy shades of brown and gold, which enables them to blend in with their desert surroundings. Newly hatched baby thorny devils tend towards black in colour.
Thorny devils feed primarily on ants. They simply collect the ants with their sticky tongue.
Thorny devils occur in Australia.
What animals are enemies to the thorny devil