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All Dobermann Pinschers are born with long, natural tails. In some countries, docking is performed to surgically shorten the tail to make the dog meet the breed standard and be aesthetically pleasing for shows. This operation is performed by a vet when the puppy is under three days old, when the tail is cut off with curved, surgical scissors. This is a cosmetic amputation, like dew claw removal or ear cropping, and serves no practical purpose. This operation is only legal in some parts of America and Canada.

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Q: Doberman dog has tail
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Related questions

Why don't Doberman Pinscher's tails grow?

A doberman's natural tail is actually long. Many owners and breeders decide to have their tails docked (shortened) while they are puppies to give them the traditional doberman appearance. Also, if the dog is to be trained as a guard dog having the tail docked serves a purpose. During a physical engagement (fight) the dog's tail is more difficult to grab thus making it hard to defend against the dog.

What type of dog fits with a Doberman?

Another Doberman or a German Shepherd.

Does the Doberman beat the police dog?

Question doesn't make sense. "Police dog" is a job description. "Doberman" is a breed. A police dog may well be a Doberman. Or an even bigger dog.

How short should the tail be cut?

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What type of dog is the best gard dog?

A German Shepherd , a Doberman, or a Rottweiler.

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What are Doberman Pinchers?

the doberman pincher is a guard dog police dog tracking dog or all around good dog the where bred for protection purpose's but will need to be ownd by a skilled dog owner.

Can you put Doberman in a sentence?

Yes you can Example : The Doberman was barking at me (Doberman:a type of dog)

Who called dobermans dobermans?

You mean Doberman Pinschers? Roderick Doberman, a Dog Breeder.

How do you identify a doberman dog?

usually brown and black short ears very large more than likely has a stub as a tail born like that 6th grade answer