

Best Answer

No. Only an older sister.

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Q: Does Harry from one direction have a younger sister?
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Who younger on one direction?

The youngest is Harry Styles

Which 3 one direction members are younger?

Harry, Niall, Liam

Does Harry Styles from one direction have a sister?

Yes, an older sister called Gemma.

Whom in one direction has a sister named gemma?

Harry Styles

Does Harry from One Direction have a twin?

No he dose not but he dose have a sister named Gemma.

How old are One Direction's siblings?

Niall: Has an older brother who is 24/25 Liam: Has two older sisters- 23 and 21 Louis: Has four younger sisters -13, 11, 7 Harry: Has an older sister- 21 Zayn- Has one older sister- 20, and two younger sisters- 11 and 9.

How many sisters does harry from one direction have?

One older sister named Gemma Styles

Which boy out of one direction has a sister?

4/5 boys in One Direction has sisters. Zayn has 3 sisters, Louis has 4 sisters, Harry has 1 sister, and Liam has2 sisters.

What is Harry's mom's and sister's name from one direction?

Mom: Anne CoxSister: Gemma Styles :)

How is harry from One Direction?

He is.. Harry from One Direction..?

How many sister harry styles have?

Harry has one sister. Harry has one sister called Gemma

How many sister does Taylor sift have?

one younger brother austin one younger sister claireone younger brother named Austin and one younger sister named Claire