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Probably not.

A 2007 study in South Korea in rice fields showed that sounds at 125Hz and 250Hz made genes rbcS and Ald, that are known to respond to light, more active whereas sound waves at 50HZ made these genes less active.

Latin music tends to be really active. If it is soft then maybe. Studies confirm that plants prefer Classical Music like "Moonlight Sonata"

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Q: Does Latin music help plants grow?
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Does playing an instrument to your plants help them grow?

Actually Myth Busters conducted an experiment on this kind of question. They set up some green houses with these types of recordings: -nothing -positive talk -negative talk -classical music -death metal music It turns out that plants grow better when listening to music, specifically metal music. Classical came in second. And positive and negative talk came in third. Not having any recordings came in last. So it's better to play music for them.

What is the best music for a plant to grow with?

First of all, don’t worry about the situation. It’s just a technical problem. And it's being fixed as we speak. So it's not even that serious. It's just that SoundCloud really is kind of on the verge of going down forever. People are saying that it may not be long before they are out of business unless they can find an investor. The business model has to be changed. And their costs and revenues need to be balanced. But they still won't go away completely. At least not anytime soon.

What are the characteristics of Latin American music?

Latin american music has many different instruments such as guitars, violins, harps, trumpets, whistles and panpipes. some of the different types are samba, Cuban son, Argentinian tango, bossa nova, Mexican rancera and Brazilian samba. the influences of the music are native indian african and western. I made this info into mindmap this will help you:P composers: 1.silvestre revueltas 2. heitor villa-lobos 3.carlos chavez 4. manuel ponce

Do you have to download the music file to music in ssbc?

help i worte the message help tell

That music can help make world peace?

music can help make world peace?

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that music specifically helps spider plants grow. Spider plants primarily require sufficient light, water, and proper care to thrive. While some studies suggest that music can have positive effects on plant growth in general, its impact on spider plants specifically is not well-established.

What are panpipes used for?

greek gods thought that it would help there plants grow but now its just used for music

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yes because of the water in the aloe it can help plants grow

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i think it does not help plants grow because i really don't know

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support help the plants to grow as plants like creepers don't have a strong stem which could help them to stand straight thus any type of support will help the plants

Will plants grow to hard rock and jazz music?

This is not a new question but I searched for an answer to this question on the net and I couldn’t find any so I decided to share my findings with you. My conclusion is plants will not grow to hard rock or jazz music. Plants actually have a great sense of hearing and they can tell the difference between pitch and frequencies. Each note has a different frequency and a different pitch. The study conducted by NASA states that plants can actually hear sounds and feel the vibrations. This is how they detect the earthquake. The study also concluded that plants can grow better if they get classical or soothing music rather than hard rock and jazz music.

Can energy plants help plants grow?

No, they will probably kill the plant.

Does a plant grow better with no music or music?

it depends on the music. if you're planning to play classical, it is proven that classical music (mozart, bach, beethoven) help plants grow. it you're planning to play rap, or something like that, no music would be better. =) IMPROVED ANSWER!-I just did this project this weekend and my results were that plants grow best with jazz music. Pop music is the runner up and then Rock is next. Country killed the plant(I KNEW IT!) haha but if you really want great results try doing the experiment! Take 3 or 4 plants (that are exactly the same) and test different genres of music and no music at all! Its a fun project for a science fair or just for fun!

Does carbonation help plants grow?

No it doesn't!