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no he moved on to Selena Gomez.

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Q: Does Nick Jonas like Miley Cyrus any more?
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Who is does Nick Jonas like better?

Miley Cyrus

Does Nick Jonas like Miley Cyrus or Selena Gomez?

Nick Jonas love Miley Cyrus . they both haave composed many songs and nick gave a gift yo Miley Cyrus. now Selena can get off from their way

Did Miley Cyrus like Nick Jonas and Emily osment did not like it and they had got in a argument and was about to cancel the show?

No. Miley Cyrus and Emily Osment didn't ever get on very well but it wasn't over Nick Jonas... Miley and Nick had a big row over the phone and either Nick dumped Miley or Miley dumped Nick.

Does Nick Jonas still like Miley Cyrus like a girlfriend?


Why does Nick Jonas like Miley Cyrus and when did he start liking her?

I don't know Miley Cyrus really ugly a Jonas brother should have better taste.

Who does Miley like Cody Linley or Nick Jonas?

Wikipedia answers: The only guy Miley Cyrus likes, is ''Nick Jonas''. They are already back together.

Does Nick Jonas like Brunnettes?

Yes. He went out with Miley Cyrus. She is Brunette

Does Nick Jonas like preps?

he dated miley cyrus. nuff' said.

Do you get miley pagnant?

Miley Cyrus is not pregnant she is a virgin. Just like her former boyfriend Nick Jonas.

Does Miley Cyrus still like Nick even though he doesn't really like her?

Until Miley Cyrus publicly states that she still likes Nick Jonas, there is no way to know.

Does Nick Jonas like Miley Cyrus?

NO! Because he broke her heart by leaving her. And she has a boyfriend named Liam. He was her costar for The Last Song.

Nick Jonas like girl?

Im sure Nick Jonas Like girls I know that he did go out with Miley Cyrus at one point in time.