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There are many ways to grow your soundcloud likes. You can buy followers, likes, comments and reposts from a reputable provider like us.  But it is always better to earn them the honest way. You need to post high-quality tracks that others would enjoy listening to. Post them regularly and interact with your followers. Give them a glimpse of the hard work and dedication you put into your tracks. They will enjoy the music and in return, help spread the word about you in order to make your page grow.

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Joseph Smith

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Q: Does classical music or rock music make a plant grow faster?
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Does classical music help a plant grow taller?

I thought the same thing and i did the experiment and the music that actually helps a plant grow taller is Pop music the more pop music that you have the better for the plant.

Can a plant grow by listening to music?

Yes. Totally. Classical music only though. Yah.

Do Lima beans grow better to classical music?

yes the sound waves affect them and make them grow faster

How do different kinds of music affect plant growth?

IF YOU HAVE A CLASSICAL TYPE OF MUSIC THE PLANTS GROW FASTER. THAT IS BECAUSE IT IS CALM! answer the above answer is a common misbelieve. there is no scientific evidence of music having any effect on plant growth, it does however have an effect of the mood of who ever is taking care of the plants.

What type of classical music makes plant grow faster?

None. Seeing as plants have no device for auditory processing, it would stand to reason that music has no effect on plant growth. Unless, of course, the music is being played at such a volume that the atmospheric distortion actually messes with the mitosis and metabolism within the plant's cells. But that seems unlikely.

Which music will grow a better plant Classical or Pop?


Does rap make plants grow faster?

[1] There has been no definitive answer on the influence of types of music on plant growth. But the tendency has been towards the positive influence of classical music. [2] The questioner can always carry out his/her own research, and report back the results.

Do the soundwaves of music or the rhythm of music effect the way a plant grows?

This was a topic on MythBusters. On the show, it had made the plants grow faster than those without music.

Do do a plant grow faster in the sun without water or do a plant grow faster in shade with water?

Depends upon type of plant .

Will a plant grow faster with coca-cola or sunnyd?

Well the plant will grow faster with the juice because it has vitamins.

How long does music has to be played to effect the plant growth?

I personally did an experiment on this and found that 3 hours is best i also found that classical music makes them grow a little bit better speed wise.

Why water need the plant?

To make plant grow faster