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Well, depending on the type of music, music can affect your sleep in a good way. soothing music can help you fall asleep easier, while noisy music like rock can disturb you and cause you to wake up several times in the night.

It also depends on how loud the music is, and what ones personal preference of music is. Waking throughout the night is not the only side effect. Other effects include, but are not limited to: psychological disturbance, a change in the sleepers dream (and everyone does dream; it has been proven), and causing mild to severe mood changes that aren't normally in the personality of the sleeper, once the sleeper wakes that is.

Well Music has a big effect.for example, try or check them out on YouTube. There relaxing music/sleep music wat ever it is, literally knocks you out in bed.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Listening to music at a normal level will not affect your hearing. However listening to loud music can. Normal music should be between 40 and 60 decibels. A rock concert can produce music as loud as 140 decibels. Even one concert with music that loud can have a permanent affect on your hearing.

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βˆ™ 15y ago


if you want a natural way to sleep try some sleep music. It will help with your insomnia.

go on YouTube and search for easysleepmusic

or check out there website

I think they are giving away free sleep music

hope it works

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βˆ™ 15y ago


if you want a natural way to sleep try some sleep music. It will help with your insomnia.

go on YouTube and search for easysleepmusic

or check out there website http:/wwwzperiodzeasysleepmusiczperiodzcom

I think they are giving away free sleep music

hope it works

easysleeping music like slow music not big material music like rap it will help you to sleep faster.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Its actually different for every person. Some ppl find it soothing while it annoys others or keeps them up. It also depends on the type of music your playing. Usually ocean sounds, rainforest calls, rainwater, or Classical Music is what ppl use. Rock, pop, hip hop or catchy tunes usually wont make you relaxed.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes it does. Relaxing music makes you sleepy but loud Rock Music keeps you awake.

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βˆ™ 3y ago

Music is effective for relaxation and stress management.

On my YT channel AuroraCow I have calm music and nature sounds that help people to relaxing and sleep.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It does not u @#$%

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