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Q: Does hard candy grow mold
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Can you make rock candy with sweet n low?

no you can't. it will just grow mold instead.

Is candy mold?

its like a shape of a mold like a shape of anything. for example a chocolate bunny mold. And u can pour chocolate or sugar in it to make a mold out of candy

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What is candy molds?

its like a shape of a mold like a shape of anything. for example a chocolate bunny mold. And u can pour chocolate or sugar in it to make a mold out of candy

What makes mold grow on beans?

What makes mold grow on beans?

What ingredients grow mold?

There are many different kinds of ingredients that grow mold. Fruits and breads can grow many different kinds of mold.

Does a pear grow mold?

You'll find that almost everything has the potential to grow mold. That includes foods which, when they rot, often grow mold. So yes, a pear can grow mold. I suggest you eat it before it does.

What food does mold grow on best?

This depends on the mold. eg: Bread molds grow on bread.

Why does mold grow on cheddar cheese?

Mold grows on cheddar cheese because mold needs moisture to grow.

What is outdoor mold?

When mold is in the outdoor, when they grow in the outdoor, it is called outdoor mold. Actually where there is food molds grow there.

What foods can mold grow on besides bread?

Mold can also grow on cheese.