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I doubt it

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Q: Does nick Jonas like 12 year old you are 12 can you kiss nick Jonas?
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Would Nick Jonas kiss a 12 year old?

I Highly Doubt that nick Jonas will kiss a 12 year old. No Offence.

Which 2 Jonas brothers did Miley Cyrus date?

the Jonas brother that went out with Miley is Nick Jonas

Would Nick Jonas kiss a 10 year old?

No! Never! He's not a pervert.

Is Nick Jonas a cheater?

No. He is a good person. Well, at least as far as we know.

Will Nick Jonas kiss a 10 year old?

it's a 6 year difference so i don't think so

When did the Jonas Brothers have their first kiss?

Don't know about Kevin and Joe, but Nick's was on a New Year's Eve,

What year old is Nick Jonas?

Nick Jonas is 16 years old.

How old will Nick Jonas be this year?

Nick Jonas was 17 on the 16th September 2009.

What is the year of nick jonass birthday?

nick Jonas year is 1992

How old would Nick Jonas be this year?

Nick will be 17 this year.

Would Nick Jonas like a 11 year old?

Only if you are a boy

How much does Nick Jonas earn?

Nick Jonas makes 12 million dollars a year.