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Yes, yes it does.

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Q: Does run this town tonight sound like ducks quacking?
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Related questions

What is the onomatopoeia for a farmyard?

Onomatopoeia is the use of words which sound like the sound they represent. Such words as moo, baa, quack, miaow apply to the farmyard as in: The cows were mooing, the sheep baaing, the ducks quacking and the cat miaowing.

What can ducks do?

This depends on what kind of ducks you have. Some of the basics are quacking, swimming, mating, eating, pooping, making loud noises, and waddling around. Certain ducks are better than others at these things. I have noticed that call ducks are especially good at quacking and making noise. Runner ducks are good at running and have a unique shape that looks a bit like a wine bottle. Some ducks are good at hatching. Some are very good at flying. Some ducks are actually too heavy to fly, like Ruins.

What is meant by the Business Environment?

Business Enviroment means that a person can put or have a business in a controlled environment and there will be not interuptions like ducks quacking or people smoking.

What is an example of onomatopoeia in a sentence?

Onomatopoeia is the use of words which sound like the sound they represent. He heard the cockerel crying "cockadoodledo", the ducks quacking, the cows mooing, the sheep baaing and a cat miaowing. A door banged and someone sneezed "atishoo". For breakfast he had a cereal that went "snap, crackle and pop" as he poured on the milk.

Why do your farts sound like ducks?

because your butt claps when you fart

What walks like a duck acts like a duck looks like a duck but is not a duck?

Wild wood ducks which are Actually part of the geese family so are not ducks but look, walk, act and make the same sound as ducks

What is the Plains Spadefoot's call?

A snore-like bleat or growl is the call of the Plains Spadefoot (Spea bombifrons).Specifically, the voice of the Plains Spadefoot is repeated every 1-2 seconds. But there is some variation, such as a rapidly repeated call that is similar to the sound of quacking ducks and yapping small dogs. The call is heard between early spring and summer, after heavy rains.

What does the platypus say?

The platypus has a variety of vocalisations. When they are disturbed, they may make soft growling sounds, like that of a puppy. Despite the misnomer "duck-billed platypus," it does not make a quacking sound.

Why does the quacking frog like its habitat?

I am researcing that question so when I find out I'll answer!

What is a sound made by duck?

They sound like they are quacking duhhh hew wouldn't know that i mean gay pepzzz.

When do ducks sleep?

Yes ducks sleep, they will generally sleep in the night, with their head and beaks under a wing and hidden from predators. Most will sleep on the water because it is difficult for a predator to reach them.

What are ducks shaped like?
