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sometimes pitbull dates Jennifer Lopez but for real pitbull makes

out with other girls

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Jennifer Lopez

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Q: Has pitbull ever dated Jennifer Lopez?
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No, of course not! She is a good person. What would she be arrested for, generosity? Why did you even ask this question?

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Yes, they dated from 2001 to 2007

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Jennifer Lopez (JLO) 's most recent songs were recorded last year in 2012. Some of them include: "Sweet Spot", and "T.H.E The Hardest Ever". Coming in 2013 is her album Passione.

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Hello? she was dating Puff Daddy. What do you think? :)

Does Jennifer Lopez ever have free-time?

As successful as she is, being a judge, a fashion designer, a motivator, an actress, and an inspiration, it would seem like a definite no. But it's not! According to a recent interview, she always dedicates time to her family and to herself. Go Jennifer Lopez!

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To be honest she really doesn't cuss the only thing ive ever heard her say is crap

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No. Liam Hemsworth was dating Miley Cyrus when they began filming the Hunger Games.

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