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Whan the hair follicle gets blocked, the hair can curl and make a coil. If the hair cannot grow any further because of the blockage, its called a blackhead. When you shave with a multiple edged razor, the hair can be pulled out a little and when cut, go back below the skin. When this hair continues to grow, it can curl and twist and become an ingrown hair as well.

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Q: How are in grown hairs caused?
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How do you get rid of in grown hairs?

Cut your hair.

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What caused the mammoth to lose it hairs to an elephant?

it passes it on

How many hairs grow a second?

the population of hair grown in a second is 2

What does Finnan Haddie look like?

he has a mono brow and brown hair with over grown ear hairs

Can you get in grown hairs on your head?

Yes and they can have pus in them just like any ingrown hair on your body. they are extremely painful. You should make sure that you are cleaning your scalp with the appropriate shampoo such as a clarifying shampoo because sometimes it is caused from oil build up.

What is the purplish pimple you have on your leg?

I'm no expert, but whenever I have them they are ingrown hairs caused by shaving (although you can get ingrown hairs if you don't shave,too). I find that when I exfoliate more frequently after shaving, I have fewer ingrown hairs.

Why do flies have hairs?

cause they get cold. The small hairs which cover a flies body detect air movement and that is why it is quite difficult to swat or catch a fly, as the small hairs detect the rush of air caused by your hand or the fly swatter.

Can mushrooms have hairs amongst them from compost?

Yes, hairs can be amongst mushrooms from cultivation in compost. The hairs may be the delicate, filament-like, tiny roots called mycelium. They also may be mold since compost-grown mushrooms must not remain in compost longer than three weeks.

What causes hairs all over to become ingrown and become pimple like?

Ingrown hairs are those bumps caused by the tiny hairs not breaking out of your skin and continuing to grow under a layer of skin. They can be pretty tricky to remove, and can cause infection when not done correctly.

What causes red bumps on body that look like bug bites?

If they are tiny red bumps This condition is caused by a bug called the sarcoptic mite. For more info You can look on wikipedia.

What should you do if you have little white bumps near your crotch area and they hurt but don't itch?

if you shave down there, they are usually in-grown hairs... just clean reguarly