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First of all, i want you to know that you can not stop someone from being something, or change what they already are.

If that is the way that a person wants be, weather its right or wrong, they will do what they want to do.

they have to find the strength within themselves to better themselves.

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Q: How can people stop violent behavior?
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Violent video games and T.V. shows can cause bad behavior. Influences from other people can cause bad behavior as well.

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People can learn to stop being manipulative by increasing self-awareness of their behaviors and motivations, developing healthy communication skills to express their needs and boundaries directly, seeking therapy or counseling to address underlying issues that contribute to manipulative behavior, and practicing empathy and respect towards others. It also helps to identify and challenge manipulative thought patterns and learn to build authentic and trusting relationships.

Was Oprah Winfrey violent or non violent?

Interesting question. While many people might maintain that Oprah is non-violent, the argument can be made and strongly supported that she is passively violent. On more than one occasion, she has spouted hate and public humiliation/condemnation of different groups of people. Any such behavior, by anyone, regardless of the target is (at minimum by transient property) violent behavior. She may deny it, but denial does not repudiate it.

Do violent video games produce violent behavior?

Rarely, but yes.

Is a person with narcissistic personality disorder violent?

It depends on the person. Violent behavior is not necessarily a factor in every case of NPD. Some have anger management problems that could result in violent behavior.

How does violent video games cause violent behaivor?

They simply don't cause violent behavior. No evidence proves a link between violent video games and violent behavior. Video games are mainly used for stress release and entertainment, so if anything, they prevent violent behavior.

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A student who is bipolar and Autistic can be violent, however there is no reason to think that they will be just because of their diagnosis. There is no link with Autism and violent behavior, and although people with bipolar can be unpredictable and impulsive during a manic episode they are rarely violent towards other people (if medicated their condition will be managed too).

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People act differently in groups than they do as individuals. This is especially true of youth.

What is the behavior of tigers?

Quiet, but when bothered,they become violent.