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European overlords were unable/unwilling to respect/honor/utilize existing Cherokee names.

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Q: How did Cherokees get European surnames?
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What are the four basic categories of surnames?

European surnames are often classified under these FIVE categories: Given name, Occupational name, Location name, Nickname, and Ornamental name.

Why did the Cherokees conform to European civilization?

The Cherokees realized that if they did not adapt to European modes of thinking and addressing problems, they would be unable to protect their culture. One of the main reasons that the Cherokee survived at all (when most Native American Tribes have gone extinct) is that they were able to write newspapers and constitutions, build houses, and negotiate proper treaties with Whites.

Do the surnames Lynn Lee Lane and Young originate from Asia?

The surnames Lynn, Lee, Lane, and Young have independent origins in Asia and in Europe. Some families have those surnames because of their European origin and some have it because of their Asian origin, along with the way Asian names were mangled and written by Caucasians in America

What are common surnames in Niue?

Some common surnames in Niue include Talagi, Vaha, Niue, Togiamua, and Tohi. However, it's important to note that Niueans often use both their own traditional surnames and European surnames due to the influence of colonization.

Is Crockett a a Cherokee surname?

Cherokee's do not have surnames; surnames is a complete invention of the European culture. When Cherokee's were forced to begin using surnames, they took names from people they already knew or respected (in most cases). Please note that some Cherokee, both ancient and modern, began using their clan names to fulfill the surname requirement.

How did the Cherokees dress?

The Cherokees dressed usually in furs.

What do the Cherokees do today?

The Cherokees today get on to answer these questions!

When was Longview Cherokees created?

Longview Cherokees was created in 1952.

When was Knoxville Cherokees created?

Knoxville Cherokees was created in 1988.

When did Knoxville Cherokees end?

Knoxville Cherokees ended in 1997.

Why have surnames?

Surnames link us to our family.