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Andrew Jackson treated native Americans like a citizens of a foreign government that was often hostile to the United States. He believed in the federal union and was strongly opposed to the idea of nullification which meant that individual states could nullify Federal Laws if they so chose.

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Q: How did state's rights supporters and native Americans feel about Andrew Jackson?
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How was Andrew Jackson's election and presidency viewed by the native Americans?

How was Andrew Jackson's election and presidency viewed by the supporters of states rights

Who was the president during the removal of the Native Americans?

I am certain that it is Andrew Jackson who was the president during the Removal Act of the Native Americans.

Where did Andrew Jackson move the native Americans to?

Andrew Jackson moved all Native Americans West were is know known as Oklahoma, so the Americans can start a plantation .

Who was in for the Removal of Native Americans Act?

President Andrew Jackson.

Which president forced native Americans west?

Andrew Jackson

Did Andrew Jackson create something for the native Americans?

he killed them. thats about it

Did Andrew Jackson move the Native Americans?

yes, to the Indiana territory..:)

Who was president when Native Americans were forced to move west to Mississippi?

andrew jackson

As a result of President Andrew Jackson policies Native American Indians were?

President Andrew Jackson ' s policie that effected the native americans was the Indian removal act which millitary forces pushed all native americans to the west and away from there homeland.

Why did Andrew Jackson want to remove American Indians from their homeland in the 1830's?

Andrew Jackson wanted the Native Americans out of the south because they were on fertile land. Also they heard that the Native Americans had gold so the Americans wanted their gold.

Do you think President Andrew Jackson included native Americans in his promise why or why not?

To save the people

What groups stood against Andrew Jackson on the removal of Native Americans?

the supreme court.