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Well the Jackson 5 were relatively famous themselves but they were nowhere near as famous as Michael Jackson became once he went solo. Michael was the lead singer and he was always the most popular member, so people were expecting him to go off on his own to make music. He made some solo albums and then in 1979 he had a huge sucess with an Album called Off the Wall. Nobody thought he could beat that sucess but he temaed up with a producer called Quincy Jones and released another album called Thriller in 1982. That album became the best selling album of all time. It was also the first album to have Music Videos with stories in it. MTV was new back then and playing his videos helped make them huge. Michael Jackson made dance popular again in music.

The main reasons behind his success are his tone,cool music,album covers,the meaning of the songs and his love for music.He took respect in all life forms.

His songs like 'Heal The World","Earth Song", broke down racial barriers and appealed to the human race at the apex point.

He released another album called BAD and went on a tour that set the world record for most people to ever attend a concert. After that he released another big album called Dangerous.

He became very famous in India during the "HIstory world tour."His albums were sold in the '80's and the '90's like vegetables we buy everyday.

His last studio album made him known to the 21st century's generation."Invincible" sold more than 13 million copies worldwide.

His style,attitude,vocals,philanthrophy was liked by everybody."Anti Gravity Lean Shoe" marked his name as a scientist also as an inventor.

During his star studded career he received 13 GRAMMY Awards,American Music Awards and numerous major and minor awards totalling 197 major awards.He was also nominated for the noble peace prize for his charity "Heal The World Foundation" and other philanthropic works.He became so highly famous that young one's would die after him.

Due to all these contributions to the Earth,he became very famous.

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13y ago

The Jackson 5 became famous by going onto you tube and got founded by a record dealer.

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12y ago

Because of the jackson 5 which his dad formed and made them all join and if you have never heard of the jackson 5 then go on it on YouTube and you will know which one is him. :D

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