If you're talking about whammy in battle mode, just whammy as fast as you can until it goes away. NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooob Some Guitars seem to have a problem that the whammy bar won't sense when it is totally pressed down. If that happens you won't be able to stop a whammy attack.
No, but it is on Guitar Hero 3 and Guitar Hero Metallica.
Yes, i know this because he says on guitar hero 3 "my kids can beat me at my own songs".
he should be in guitar hero 3 becuase he is awsome
you plug in the cord to your usb on your xbox.
there have actually been 5 guitar hero games they are: guitar hero 1 guitar hero 2 guitar hero encore, rock the 80's guitar hero 3 legends of rock guitar hero aerosmith and the new one coming out october 26 2008 is: guitar hero world tour. wich is supposed to be like rock band, you have drums, a microphone bass, and guitar. and there have been rumors than you can create a song and character. its gonna be awesome!
Either get your whammy fixed somehow, or you're screwed. Sorry.
You push the whammy bar up and down very quickly.
No. You can't move.
That port was said to be used for an effects pedal of some sort that was never released.
Guitar Hero III (Guitar Hero 3)
Yes it will, because I have guitar hero 3 and 5, and the guitar hero 3 guitar, works with both (as long as the guitar hero guitar is second player on 5).
You can play easy mode
save 3 attacks and at death drain use all 3
No. You can only use it on the guitar hero games after guitar hero 3.
Guitar Hero Aerosmith
yes. Guitar Hero 3 controllers are actually better. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
You can use any guitar hero guitar with any guitar hero.