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If you are using a guitar amp as a pre-amp to a bass amp (plugging your guitar into a guitar amp, and then patching the guitar amp to the bass amp), do not do this. Bass, acoustic guitar, and vocals (mics) are low impedence, where Guitars are high impedence. You can very easily damage your equipment doing this sort of thing.

If you are trying to get guitar sounds out of a bass amp, in my opinion, it's next to impossible. There is only one type of bass amp that I know of that you can accomplish this with...Ampeg has a series of bass amps with "switchable tweeters", meaning that they come equipped with tweeters, but you can turn them in order to use rig as a bass amp, and turn them on in order to play an acoustic guitar thru the bass amp. Since an acoustic guitar is low impedence, this works fairly well. You can also plug in an electric to this setup, even tho an Electric Guitar is high impedence...It's possible to plug in a high impedence instrument into a low impedence amp, but it's not advisable to plug in a low impedence instrument into a high impedence amp.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Play with a pick (brighter sound). And i'd play higher up on the fret board. You could use distortion to mask the sound. Or you can get a whammy pedal and set it to 2 octaves up. then it should sound like a guitar


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Is the Fender Bass VI a Baritone Guitar?

It could be, but it is most commonly known as just a six string bass. it is a guitar with slightly thicker strings and tuned to sound like an electric bass guitar.

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Is an electric double bass better than an acoustic double bass?

For starters, a standard guitar has six strings, while a bass guitar usually has only four (there are five and even six-string models for advanced styles.) Regarding the sound and role of the instruments, the guitar is in a higher register than the bass guitar, and is more commonly used as the lead instrument in a band than the bass (there are some exceptions to this). The bass guitar, as the name suggests, is in a lower register and is most frequently part of the rhythm section of a band. Again, many genres of music do incorporate bass leads, such as funk (Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers), Alternative/Metal (Les Claypool of Primus) and jazz fusion (Jaco Pastorius) styles. An electric bass guitar is simply a bass with the electronic anatomy of an electric guitar. Like a six-string electric guitar, an electric bass guitar uses magnetic pickups to "pick up" the vibrations created by the strings and send the sound signal to an amplifier. Effects may also be used to alter the sound quality of the signal. Well a bass has a low sound electric has to be played with an amp and guitar acoustic can be played any where In theory a bass and a guitar both have a vital role in a band and even though the guitar is looked up to more by people do not let this put you of learning the bass, as there are way too many guitar players to bassists ratio.

What country was the bass guitar invented?

electric bass is a creation of Fender in the mid to early 50s but just like electric guitar it goes back to the 15th century.

Is a fender bassman 60 bass amp good for electric guitar?

It works, obviously has a lot more bass in the sound than the kind of guitar amp you would use for a 6 string guitar. I have used one with a six string, because I like that bass sound. It doesn't have any effects built in, though there is an effect in/out on the back of the case.

Is there a way to make a guitar amp sound like a bass amp?

If this means you are using a guitar amplifier to power an electric bass, stop this immediately. Guitar amps are not designed to handle the low register of a bass, and you can blow out your speakers. If this means you are using a guitar amplifier to power a guitar, but want a more bass-like tone, turn down the mids and highs and turn up the lows on your EQ. That should do the trick.

How does the bass guitar create its sound?

Like for the guitar. The resonnance of a string is amplified by the resonnance hole in the body (acoustic guitar) or by the microphones (electric guitar). The bass guitar is a guitar. The main difference is the Bass guitar is lower (one octave) than a guitar.

What guitar is used in the smells like teen spirit video?

Some sort of an acoustic rather than an electric guitar

Normally this guitar is with 4 strings?

you have a bass if it looks like an electric or a traditional acoustic.

What are some tips for bass guitar?

This question is too vague, and needs to be made more specific. For example: Where can I find bass guitar lessons online? What are some tips for buying a bass guitar? What are some tips for playing blues on bass guitar? What are some tips for making my bass guitar sound more like an upright bass?

What sound dose a bass guitares make?

Probably about the same, actually. The technology for bass guitar pickups and electric guitar pickups are very similar, with only slight differences. Still, you're going to sound better on a guitar with a guitar pickup.

What instruments were used in Clocks by Coldplay?

A lot. Normally they tend to use piano (+ other keyboards such as elec. piano), guitar (both acustic and electric), drums, bass guitar and vocals. But in the album viva la vida they have used many more: violins, violas, bells... as well as their traditional instruments.