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The phrase that i was taught and used to remember the notes on a 6 or 12 string guitar was this :







or: E-B-G-D-A-E

Remember that order goes from the BOTTOM string upwards. (from the smallest diameter string to the largest diameter string)

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Q: How do you remember the note on guitar strings?
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Why does the guitar use six strings?

It is part of the equation to achieve every single note in the music spectrum. 6 Strings and the correct number of frets allows you to hit all notes. Sorry, I don't remember the correct number of frets on the neck of a guitar anymore. It is 22 - 24 depending on range of guitar and brand.

How many strings your on a guitar?

That depends on the guitar! On a Tenor guitar there are four strings, on a standard guitar there are six strings, and there are twelve strings on a twelve string guitar.

How many strings are there on a guitar?

there are six strings on a guitar

How any strings are on a guitar?

A normal Acoustic/Electric guitar has 6 strings, and a normal bass guitar has 4 strings. There are also guitars with more strings, i.e. a bass guitar with 5 strings.

How does a guitar tremelo work?

A guitar tremolo works but altering the tension of the strings along the guitar. A tremolo on a guitar consists of a handle and when pressed or pulled it moves the strings with it. When you push a tremolo arm down it alters the pitch of the struck note to a lower sound by making the string slacker. When pulled it makes the strings tighter and therefore makes the struck note higher. A common example of a tremolo is a Bigsby unit.

Which strings are which on a bass guitar?

the strings on a base guitar are the same as the top four strings on a guitar which are E A D G

What is a banduria?

a guitar-like instrument with 16 or 14 strings!

What do capos do on a guitar exactly?

When a capo is used on a guitar, it makes the overall pitch of the guitar higher as it effectively shortens the strings, meaning the note that is played has a higher pitch.

How do the strings of a guitar use kinetic energy?

The guitar strings vibrate.Kinetic is the energy of a moving object so it would be the strings cause the strings of the guitar moves.

What gets out of tune faster electric guitar strings or acoustic guitar strings?

In my opinion, electric guitar strings gets out of tune faster because the strings are not as thick as acoustic guitar strings. So, thicker strings make it stay in tune longer.

How do you tune electric guitar strings?

Same as regular or you can buy small device that will tell you the note that you plaid.