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Q: How do you stop Crows Ravens Jackdaws raiding your seed feeders?
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Do crows like peanuts?

They can do if they find it in the right place. But they are too large to get seed from most feeders. (Rooks and Jackdaws have been seeen on bird feeders!)

What birds like shiny things?

Magpies, Jackdaws, Crows, Jays

Are ravens smaller than crows?

No, ravens are about 30% larger than crows.

Are crows and ravens raptors?

Yes. Not only the same family, corvidae, but even the same genus, Corvus. The common American crow is Corvus brachyrhynchos, and the common raven is C. corax. All birds commonly called "crows" or "ravens" are in the genus Corvus, along with rooks and jackdaws (about 40 or so species in all). The crow family, corvidae, includes jays and magpies as well. For more information, see

What is the difference between starlings crows and ravens?

Crows are defined as belonging to the Genus Corvus which Ravens belong to so Ravens are basically crows. Starlings are only distantly related and are more closely related to mockingbirds.

A way to tell ravens from crows?

Crows have a MUCH smaller wingspan.

Which birds crows or ravens are lone?

Ravens are probably more solitary than crows are, as crows are often found in groups of more than four or five birds, whereas ravens are more likely to be with a partner than a group.

What is a flock of ravens called?

A group of ravens is called an "unkindness."

Which of these is NOT a way to tell ravens from crows?

PCH ANSWER: Ravens are light gray, but crows are black

Do ravens eat meat?

Yes, ravens do eat squirrels. This afternoon I observed a raven, who was being mobbed by approximately thirty crows, raiding a squirrel's nest situated in a Douglas fir. Minutes later the raven landed on the ground, with a dead juvenile squirrel in its beak.

What is the definition of a flock of ravens?

a flock of ravens is called an unkindness of ravens a flock of ravens is called an unkindness of ravens

What is the name of a crows cousin?

The crow is part of the family Corvidae, which includes crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies, treepies, choughs, and nutcrackers; and is part of the family Corvus, which includes crows, ravens, jackdaws, and rooks. There are 40 or so species in this family, such as the Common Raven, White-necked Raven, Carrion Crow, Hooded Crow, and of course, the Jackdaw and Rook.So all these birds are considered cousins of the crow, from the colorful Blue Jay to the huge Thick-billed Raven. By the way, the crow is not in fact one bird, but many species distributed across the world, from the endangered Hawaiian Crow to the ultra-common American Crow.I hope this was helpful, and not too long! :)