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Technically, there isn't a bass Ukulele. The lowest is the baritone, which is tuned DGBE. If you use a guitar bass or U-bass, it is tuned GDAE.

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Q: How is a bass ukulele tuned?
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Are the cords the same as on a bass?

The ukulele is tuned differently then the bass. The baritone ukulele is tuned like the bottom 4 strings of a normal guitar.

Is an ukulele a guitar or a bass?

Not really. The standard ukulele tuning is very different then a guitar. The bass ukulele could be tuned from a bass guitar.

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What is the highest pitched ukulele?

That would be the sopranino, the smallest ukulele that is commonly made. The fret board is less than twelve inches. It is tuned like any other ukulele, G'CEA.

What is chord name for all strings open for soprano ukulele?

A C tuned ukulele (gCEA) will produce a C6 chord when strummed with open strings.

Which has a higher pitch the guitar or ukulele?

It will depend on what sized ukulele and what size guitar as well as how they are tuned. A 'standard' sized ukulele is going to have a higher pitch than most guitars. However, a baritone ukulele is going to be pretty similar to that of a guitar.

What instruments is in the string family?

In the string family is the guitar, electric bass, violin, viola, cello, double bass, banjo, mandolin, Ukulele, and harp.

Do you tune a baritone ukulele same as other ukuleles?

A standard ukulele is a soprano ukulele. Most soprano, concert and tenor ukuleles are tuned the same, but there are a variety of choices. Most are set up with a G'CEA tuning, but there are other set ups for certain types of music.

How does Fieldy of KoRn make his bass sound like it does?

Because his bass is tuned so low. His bass is usually tuned to Drop "D" and he plays Slap Bass. You slap your thumb on the string you want to play and well ah.

Are chords played on a bass ukulele or just single notes?

It can be played either way. Typically when accompanying other musicians, single notes are played. The 'bass' ukulele is usually amplified to get enough volume.

What is the lowest note you can play on a ukulele?

It will depend on the tuning and size of the instrument. On the baritone size the lowest note is going to be the D string. On the GCEA tuned ukulele, it will be the C string.

Is a bass drum tuned or intoned percussion?

Although A bass drum can be tuned by tightening its lugs using a drum key or a drum screw, A bass drum does not have a definite pitch so it is considered as an untuned percussion.