The Keys are 120 miles long. Corpus Christi to Key West is 1553 miles.
a little over three hours
Google Maps estimates the driving tiime as 3 hours and 51 minutes.
Five days
3 hours
4 hours
Waco to Corpus Christi is almost twice as long.
3 hours
16 hours
The Keys are 120 miles long. Corpus Christi to Key West is 1553 miles.
It is 1,128.33 miles accordng to MapQuest.
144 mi - about 2 hours 11 mins
It is 1,772 miles according to Google Maps.
It will take about 3.75 hours to cover that 210 miles.
I found a couple. Steven Morin (B 2-19-51 D 3-13-85) was executed by lethal injection for killing at least three women, on in Corpus Christi. Morin, a long-time IV drug user, had almost no viable veins and it took 45 minutes to start his IV line. Esteban Ruiz of Corpus Christi was serving a 40 year sentence when he was indicted for another murder and suspected of still another in the Corpus Christi area.
a little over three hours
The shortest time is 2 hours and 30 minutes.