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If you are talking common time 2 eighth notes gets one beat.

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Q: How many beats do two eighth notes have?
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How many beats does two eighth notes get?

I gets 1 beat

How many beats does an eighth rest get?

It gets half of a beat. Two eighth notes equal one quarter note.

How many eighth notes equal to how many quarter notes?


Why is there six eighth notes in one doted half note?

Well. in a 4 pattern time signature, a dotted half note get s 3 full beats and eight notes get half a beat. therefore, 2 eighth notes equals one beat, and three sets of two (or 6 eighth notes) equals 3 beats, the same number of beats as a dotted half note. Just to be clear though: 6 eighth notes would not be played as the rythym pattern as a dotted half note.

How many quarter notes equal 6 beats?

three because two eighth notes equal one quarter note

How many eighth notes equal two quarter notes?


How many eighth notes are in a whole notes?

A whole note is 4 [beats].So:half note = 2quarter note = 1eighth note = 1/2sixteenth note = 1/4This means that 4 16th notes = 1 beat, 2 8th notes = 1 beat...If you think this is confusing, in England they have different names for note lengths like:Hemidemisemiquaver...which I believe means 16th note...

How many quarter notes equals six eighth notes?

three because two eighth notes equal one quarter note

How many quarter notes equal an eighth note?

Two eighth notes tied together make a quarter note.

How many beats in two quarter notes?


When two notes are tied how many beats?


How many eighth notes can fit into a measure of 4 4?

In four/four time, four quarter notes can fit into one measure.