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HCI is Hydrogen (H), Carbon (C) and Iodine (I). Therefore, you have three elements in one molecule of HCI. Although, HCI is not balanced, so, that would actually be an ion, with negative charge.

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What element is HCI?

HCI is Hydrogen (H), Carbon (C) and Iodine (I). Therefore, you have three elements in one molecule of HCI. Although, HCI is not balanced, so, that would actually be an ion, with negative charge.

Is a hci element?

No, it's not an element. HCI would a compound consisting of Hydrogen, Carbon and Iodine, which are elements. However, HCI does not exist, but HCl (with a lowercase L) does. It is not an element, it is a compound consisting of hydrogen and chlorine, commonly known as hydrochloric acid.

HCI binary or ternary?

Hydrogen chloride is a binary compound.And it is binary because contain only two elements: hydrogen and chloride.

How do you tell if a reaction is blalanced?

if there is the same number of atoms on both sides e.g Mg + HcI-------------> Mg + HcI^2 (HcI squared) this is an unbalanced reaction because there is more chlorine on the right side than the left side. so when you balance the equation it will look like this: MG + HcI^2------------------>Mg +HcI^2

What causes HCl to become an acid?

HCI is the chemical formula for Hydrochloric acid. HCI is composed of a hydrogen ion and a chloride ion. The hydrogen ion causes HCI to become an acid.

How many moles are in 67.4 g of HCI?

67,4 g HCl is equivalent to 1,85 moles.

What is the pH of HCI?


What happens when you add cacc3 and hci together?

caco3 and HCI its fizzes after the mixture is been add in our class we done the marble add with HCI and it fizzed it could give bubbles 2 eee bye1

HCI a compound or element?


What is the ratio of atoms in HCI?


Where can hci be found in your body?

In stomach

What are the elements in HCI?

HCI is a common misspelling of HCl (with a lowercase L) which is the formula of hydrogen chloride, a gaseous compound of hydrogen chloride. When dissolved in water it is called hydrochloric acid, a strong acid.