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Depends on the music you are playing.

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Q: How much air is required to play the flute?
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How much you energy and air you need to play the flute?

lots and lots

What skills are required to play the flute?

Good upper posture for holding the flute, lots of air for playing, ability to manipulate embouchure, and resilience.

Is the flute hard to play do you think it looks complicated?

It actually takes more air to play the flute than it does to play the tuba. The flute is a difficult instrument to learn and will require practice.Actually its not the fingerings that are hard its the air.

What vibrates when you play the flute?

Believe it or not, the air.

Witch is easier to play obeo or the flute?

The oboe is generally regarded as harder to play than the flute because of the air pressure that is required when blowing into an oboe reed and because of the sensitivity of the oboe reed regarding a proper amount of moisture.

Can you die from playing?

No. You can't die from playing flute. But if you are just starting flute, you might find yourself a little light headed if you play too much because you are not used to using up so much air to produce a note. That will pass with the more you play.

Do people who play the flute look funny?

because they are using a lot of air and it is very hard to use that much air and not look funny. plus you only think they do they don't really look funny that much at all

How do you make a flute on alxemy?


Was the Flute always played on the side?

The air inlet of the concert flute is blown across at a right angle to make the sound. There are end driven flutes you play straight out from you.

Does asthma affect playing brass instruments?

It takes a lot of air to play the flute,and it could be hard for people with asthma to play it. I recommend the clarinet,it doesn't take much effort to play.

What vabrates on a flute?

The flute vibrate when you blow air across the embrochure, causing the air to vibrate inside the flute which causes the sound to come out the end of the flute.

How do you make flute on alxemy?
