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Most states, after a conviction, will send a notice of conviction to your home state and the violations will be listed on your driving history the same as if they were comitted in your home state. Could earn you, (depending on your prior record) a revocation of license, or at least a warning letter.

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Q: If you recently received a speeding ticket and a reckless driving citation in Indiana how will that affect your status in Ohio if you have no prior record?
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Will going to driving school take a speeding and reckless driving ticket off someone's public record so their insurance premiums will not increase?

Speeding, yes, if you were going under 100 mph. Reckless driving, no chance, only time will remove that from your record. 7-10 years worth of time.

Can you take a defensive driving class for a ticket in Texas?

In principle, absolutely. In practice, it depends on each individual citation and the driving record of the offender. For example, a driver with a bad record could be denied eligibility for a defensive driving course if they get a moderate speeding ticket. But even a driver with a clean record will usually be denied eligibility if they were speeding 25 mph or more over the limit. If you have received a citation, the only way to know for sure is check the court records. The easiest way to do this is to log on to the DPS website, enter your citation number, and check if you're eligible.

How much is a speeding ticket going 14 miles over the limit in Texas?

It depends on the city where you got the citation.

What is the cost for a GA speeding ticket of 49 in a 35?

The fine imposed for a speeding citation in Georgia will vary depending upon which court in which your citation is pending. In Georgia, speeding is a misdemeanor offense, and any misdemeanor is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000.00 and 1 year in jail. As a practical matter, hardly anyone is sentenced to jail as a result of a speeding citation; however, it can happen. If you have other questions about speeding citations or other traffic offenses, you can visit our site at for more information. Sincerely, Ben Sessions Georgia DUI and Criminal Defense Trial Attorney Website:

Do you have to pay a speeding ticket you received in Georgia if you live in Indiana?


Related questions

What punishment did Justin Bieber get for speeding recently?

A speeding ticket. Though an off duty cop said he would have taken Justin in for reckless driving, but he had no say and a speeding ticket is what he received.

What is the statute of limitation on a speeding citation in New York?

If you have received a citation, you have been notified of the violation. The is no statute of limitations.

If the citation states 'followed another vehicle too close than is reasonable' is it considered as reckless?

Reckless Driving "If the citation states 'followed another vehicle too close than is reasonable' is it considered as reckless? " This is the traffic ticket description of the violation. You need to check the statute number on the ticket to determine the exact charge. You can do this by calling the DMV or doing an online search of the code of laws in your state. Reckless is considered a very serious charge with the possibility of a license suspension or jail time in almost all states. Following too closely is a minor moving violation. Normally for the officer to charge you with reckless there would be more involved than just following too close. An example of reckless would be if you were speeding, weaving in and out of traffic and then hit someone in the rear. The exceptions are the states like Virginia that have decided to make speeding an automatic reckless violation if you exceed certain limits. In Virginia reckless is speeding 20mph over the speed limit or any speeding over 80mph. lwpat

If stopped for speeding must you sign the citation?

Yes you must sign it because you are not signing that you agree to what is written on the citation, just that you received it. and agree to appear the court date.

Is a speeding citation the same thing as a speeding ticket?

Citation and ticket are the same thing. Both notify you of a violation.

How much will a speeding ticket cost in Minnesota for going 65 mph in a 55?

Depends on the county that you received the citation. But generally speaking, around $120.00

What will happen if you get a speeding ticket for going thirty miles over in Kentucky?

With any good luck you will receive a reckless driving citation and lose your license or go to jail. There is no excuse possible for 30 miles over the posted limit.

When can you get your drivers license in Texas if you had your permit and got a speeding citation?


What if a speeding citation is not signed by the officer or the person receiving the citation?

Neither may be required. If the officer's signature is required then the citation may be dismissed. You should contact the court listed on the citation for information .

Should I pay a photo citation from Heath Ohio for speeding What happens if I ignore the citation as if I never received it Thanks,?

There is a place called recovery connection in Fairbanks, AK. The address is 530 7th Ave, Fairbanks, AK and the number is (907) 479-5660 .

My son's friend was driving my son's car and was stopped for speeding They switched seats before the police could see them and my son received the citation Should you tell the court the truth?

There is no way they switched seats without the police noticing. Your son was speeding and blamed it on his friend.

Did not sign speeding ticket?

While it is unclear what the question is asking, refusing to sign a citation could result in arrest, license suspension, or an additional citation.