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Most woodwinds are, actually.

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Q: Is flute a soft sound object?
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What sound does a flute make?

A flute makes a soft, high pitched sound. It is a gentle type of music.

Does a bassoon have a higher sound than a flute?

A bassoon has a lower sound than a flute.

How does a flute make sound?

You blow into the Flute's mouth, The sound comes out the rear end.

How does a d note sound on the flute?

exactly how a d note should sound on a flute

What does the flute sounds?

The Flute sound is very smooth, round, and mellow . . . sort of a "Who Who Whoooo" kind of sound.

What does the pan flute sound like?

an airy flute

What vowel sound does flute make?

Flute has a long U (long OO) sound, and a silent E. It rhymes with chute or shoot.

What is a double flute?

that's a flute that has two ways of sound

How does the flute makes its sound?

the flute makes its sound when you blow and air rushes through and comes out of the holes in a rush making a sound.

How would a flute sound if it was written on paper?

The flute is a non-transposing instrument. Whatever pitch is written in the music is the note that will sound when the flute is played.

What part of a FLUTE make sound?

The sound of a flute is made by blowing across the lip plate hole.

What is onomatopoeia for flute?

A word for the sound of a flute that suggests that sound is the verb "tootle."