

Is green day racist

Updated: 12/21/2022
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11y ago

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yes they are

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Q: Is green day racist
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whom is green day racist to?

Greenday isn't racist towards anyone. They respect and love people of all races

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No, but you are for applying race into this matter.

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Columbus Day does celebrate racist concepts of discovery, conquest and occupation. They did begin the transatlantic slave trade with captured Indians from Caribbean.

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a green thing named chlorophyl. all of the green parts of plants like leaves have chlorophyl. chlorophyl is saved in chloroplast.

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green cloths day is when you where green clothing on that day, that day is June 18 .

Why in this day and age is it still ok to be racist?

I don't think it is as OK as you think, however anti-racist people have many friends that are racist so sometimes rather than argue / fight with friends they keep their anti-racist opinions to themselves. I think you may find that there are also a lot of anti-racist people out there, but unfortunately the racist "voice" seems to be the loudest.

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Green Day.

What does green eggs and ham represent?

"Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss is a story about trying new things and being open-minded. The green eggs and ham symbolize something unfamiliar or different that we may initially resist, but can end up enjoying if we give it a chance. It promotes the idea of being willing to step out of our comfort zones and embrace new experiences.

What was not one of green day old name band?

Green Day was Sweet Children before they were Green Day. That was the only band they were before Green Day.

What is racist ideology?

When someone says racist idelogy they mean that everything that you say has something to do with racism. If you ask a question it has something to do with being racist or if you have a answer to something it has something to do with racism. If you know what racist means. Look up the word idelogy and formulate your own opiopn. Good day people.

Is Green Britain day saint Patrick's day?

No. Green Britain day is green Brittan day St Paddys day is st paddys day