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Q: Is it haraam to listen to music?
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Is music haraam?

Music is not haraam, but when the lyrics speak of sex, drugs, and violence it becomes haraam

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Argentineans listen to music that they can Tango to

What is the ruling on organizing festivals that involve music and singing?

Organizing festivals that include things such as singing and music, mixing of men and women, and bringing in musicians is forbidden, because there is evidence that such things are haraam and can cause people to fall into what Allaah has forbidden as immoral and evil actions. It is haraam for the Muslim to organize parties or festivals that include haraam things, such as singing and music, mixing of men and women, and bringing charlatan magicians, because there is a great deal of shar'i evidence that indicates that such things are haraam and they are causes of people falling into that which Allaah has forbidden of immoral and evil actions.

The country Chad what music does Chad listen to?

they listen to classical music

What music do they listen to in Belgium?

Think they listen to pop music , romance

What music dominicans listen to what music do dominicans listen to?

Merengue, and Bachata

What music people of Iceland listen to?

They listen to old folk music

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What type of music did the Hispanic listen to?

What kind does china listen to music?

they listen many kind of music. no only listen Chinese music,but also Americans. also listen to other countrys music i am a Chinese from china. so i knows it.

What music do people in the Caribbean listen to?

Carribean people listen to dancehall music and reggae music