The NDP is a political party based in Canada. The current leader of the NDP (National Dykes Party) is Jack Layton. The NDP champions for a stronger role of "manly" women within Canada. Although they carry a stonch feminist view, they do not exclude men from being members. Jack Layton is the second male leader of the NDP. The first male leader was Sheila Copps.
the founder of the ndp is emily hamilton
New Democratic Party
the leader of ukiss is "woo sung hyun" or KEVIN onstage............The leader is SooHyun, AKA The powerful vocals
The leader of B1A4 is Jinyoung
The second leader is jade Amelia thirlwall
she belongs to the new democratic party (ndp) and she is the leader of new democratic party of ndp and she is the first women to serve ontario and she was the leader of ndp from 2009.
the current leader of the ndp is emily hamilton
Thomas Mulcair (NDP)
Thomas Mulcair (NDP)
The current leader of the opposition is Jack Layton, leader of the NDP.
Thomas Mulcair (NDP Party)
Thomas Mulcair is in and is the leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP).
Up until March 26, when Parliament was dissolved for an election, the Leader of the Official Opposition in the Canadian House of Commons was Michael Ignatieff of the Liberal Party.Following the May 2 election, the Leader of the Official Opposition was Jack Layton of the New Democratic Party (NDP).Due to a new bout of cancer, Jack Layton temporarily stepped down as leader of the NDP and Leader of the Official Opposition on July 25 and named Nycole Turmel as interim leader. Following Layton's death, the party decided that Turmel would remain interim leader until the NDP leadership election in 2012.
Currently, The NDP (New Democratic Party) holds the title of the "Official Opposition". They hold 103 seats out of the total 308. Their current interim leader as of July 25th is MP Nycole Turmel. Nycole Turmel is therefore "Leader of The Official Opposition" and the "Leader of The NDP" as of July 25th, 2011.
He is elected by his party to be their leader. Then you vote for parties themselves in elections. So i would go to an election, and vote for the NDP in my riding (area). If the NDP won the riding, they are the new representative. The party with the most representatives' leader becomes prime minister.
the founder of the ndp is emily hamilton