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Q: Music of the fourteenth century underwent a change of style that became known as?
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What changed during the fourteenth century for Japanese woman of aristocratic rank?

saw marriage customs change to their detriment.

In the chapter's Continuity and Change section what exploration was a driving force in the fourteenth and fourteenth century?

You need to answer this question. Your teacher is looking for your critical thinking and not ours. We also haven’t read the item mentioned.

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How did climate change affect early fourteenth-century Europe?

The lives of all medieval Europeans were tied to the fortunes of agriculture. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries a gradually warming climate lengthened the growing season in northern Europe, making it possible to grow more grain even on less arable land. This trend was reversed at the end of the thirteenth century and in the fourteenth century the European mainland became progressively colder. This caused changes in rainfall patterns, shortened the growing seasons and lessened the productivity of cereal agriculture. Europe's vulnerability to climatic change came in 1315 during the great famine in northern Europe.

What does underwent mean?

undergo: to endure underwent is just the past tense of undergo. if you were to use "undergo" you would say "She no longer wanted to undergo such pain, and so, she took her own life" or "little did she know, she was about to undergo such a change that no one could prepare for" in this case, "underwent" would be used like... "Because of this dissociation, she underwent a change both mentally and physically."

Seventeenth-century Polynesia suffered radical change caused by?

The small island nations that make up Polynesia underwent radical change due to colonization in the 17th Century. Primarily, the English and Dutch established colonies in Polynesia during this period.

Why did the tablet move thi way?

this is due to the bubbles released as the tablet underwent a change.

What best describes this sentence In the 1940s jazz underwent a major change?

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What question could you ask to help you decide whether silver underwent a chemical change or physical change?

please give me answer

How did the position of samurai women change from the 12th to the 17th century?

Samurai women became completely under the control of men.

How did the institution of slavery change in the 19th century where did it move?

The interstate slave trade flourished when cotton became popular among the colonies.

How did the fourteenth century in Europe differ demographically from the High Middle Ages?

The fourteenth century in Europe did not differ demographically from the High Middle Ages much. The large-scale migration of peoples all over Europe had mostly happened between 400 and 800 AD . The later Viking migrations into England, Russia and Sicily had happened in the centuries thereafter, but by the 13th century big demographic shifts had become a thing of the past. The only very notable change was that the 14th century had seen the second Great Plague, also known as the Black Death, that killed between 50 and 70% of Europe's population.