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There is no right or wrong answer to this.

The ukelele is generally considered much easier to play. There are only four strings (rather than six on a guitar) and just strumming the open strings on a ukelele using standard tuning almost produces a C major chord (it requires a single finger press to turn it into a C major chord, vs. the guitar, where producing a C major chord from the standard tuning involves pressing three strings and only strumming five strings rather than all six). The fact that the standard tuning is so close to a major chord (any major chord) means that it's easy to play other major chords as well, using one finger as a "bar" to press all the strings at the same fret.

The other aspect is that learning to play the ukulele will make transition to another stringed instrument such as a guitar relatively straight forward. Once you get the chord shapes down, they can be used on several instruments, the shape will create another chord, but the fingering is close. With the variety of instruments and sizes, the ukulele can play any type of music. Look for Jake Shimabukuro on YouTube and see some of the boundries he's pushing!

If your goal is just to be able to play a stringed instrument ... any stringed instrument ... the ukelele will work for you. If you want to play rock, get a guitar (unless you want the main part of Train's "Hey Soul Sister" in which case get an ukulele).

If you're playing Folk Music, you might consider an Appalachian Dulcimer, which is usually tuned in either the Ionian or Aoelian modes for playing music in major and minor keys respectively, has three (or four) strings, and you "note" only on one string (two, on the four-string version, but they're tuned identically so it's still a single press), with the other two strings playing a "drone" note (this is similar to how Bagpipes work, so a dulcimer actually works pretty well for Celtic/Scots music also). At the same time James Hill won Canadian Folk Album of the Year playing ukulele.

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14y ago

Many say that the Ukulele is easier to learn then the guitar. Those that play the guitar on a regular basis have little trouble playing a ukulele.

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Is an ukulele a guitar or a bass?

Not really. The standard ukulele tuning is very different then a guitar. The bass ukulele could be tuned from a bass guitar.

Are small hands a problem for playing guitar?

Yes, unless you buy a small guitar or want to play the ukulele

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It will depend on what sized ukulele and what size guitar as well as how they are tuned. A 'standard' sized ukulele is going to have a higher pitch than most guitars. However, a baritone ukulele is going to be pretty similar to that of a guitar.

Where can you buy Ukulele sheet music?

Pretty much any music store. Particularly check the guitar section, many of them will have ukulele chords and fingering as well as the guitar. Many books stores, particularly online, will have a full selection of song books that you can purchase specifically for the ukulele. For many years most piano music also contained ukulele music.

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Jimmy Stafford plays guitar and ukulele for Train.

Is Ukulele a country?

No, it's not a country. The ukulele is a small guitar type of instrument.

What is the difference in a guitar pitch pipe and an ukulele pitch pipe?

The number of notes and the ones they have. Guitar will have 6 notes and an ukulele will have 4.

What family of musical instruments does the ukulele come from?

The ukulele comes from the guitar family. A ukulele has four strings, which are normally made out of nylon or gut, and is similar to a small guitar. It does have a different, higher pitched sound than the guitar, however.

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Which kind of ukulele should you buy to play rock music?

Most of the musicians playing ukulele in a group are using a Tenor sized ukulele. Fenders are popular for this.

Does Julia Nunes play the ukulele?

She certainly does, and very well! She won the Bushman Ukulele contest in 2007 and was the leader of the YouTube Ukulele Orchestra at their anniversary celebration. She has released 4 CDs with a combination of ukulele and guitar music. She is currently touring and plays both ukulele and guitar in her concerts.

What is ukulele music?

Anything that is played on a ukulele is ukulele music. And the instrument is extremely versatile. Just about anything that can be played on a banjo or guitar can be easily adapted to the ukulele.