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Q: Was Eddie vedder abused because it seems like in the 90s he was always singing songs about some abusive dad?
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Can you be reported as a runaway with in Twenty-four hours in Arizona?

If you are being abused then go. however if you are not being abused, go back. The temptation to leave is often very great indeed. but it always, always, always comes just before a blessing isd about to come. In an abusive situation then finding another place to go is always the best. No one is garbage.

Why does an abusive boyfriend get mad when you allow your ex-husband to get you upset?

Because he is abusive. Partner abuse is a treatable sickness, but not always curable. Staying with an abusive partner does not help them to become a better person.

Why do animals turn aggressive when abused?

they turn aggresive because they are tired of getting abused. it is just like us when we are getting abused we start to get aggressive and i know because i am 5-foot-5 and 14 in beaumont high school always getting picked on.

What is Justin Biebers favorite thing about singing?

he's favorite thing about singing is playing guitar. because he always sings with guitar.

If a man is an abusive boyfriend or husband how likely is it that he'll also be an abusive parent?

It's extremely high. Abusive individuals are controllers and like "things their way" and we all know children are just learning and don't always do as we would like them to do, so no, absolutely not should an abuser raise children. Abusive individuals more than likely learn their behavior from their former environment and it's a chain reaction that could have gone on several generations before and it's about time to break the chain. If the abused feels unloved and feels having a baby will solve the problems, she is so, so wrong. It only makes matters worse! If abused the woman should run and never look back. There are all sorts of Abused Women's Centers to seek out and get help and there is no excuse in this modern society while women can't get away from their abusive mates.

Will a verbally abusive man become physically abusive?

not always but some time they can be both

Which animal is the most to get abused?

actually , some are abused ... because zoo is their partly home .. their veterinarians cure them when they are sick and they always get special attentions by their trainers

Did Carrie Underwood always feel like singing?

Probably not. But she might because it is her career.

How do abusive men treat submissive wives?

The domination and control by either partner in a relationship, whether abusive or not, is contrary to the personal rights of an individual. Where this relationship meets the needs of one or both, it is often enabled or tolerated. But it can lead to psychological trauma and violent situations. (see the opinions below)---OPINION : SUBMISSION VOLUNTARY OR INVOLUNTARY?Some folks say it's "not a bad thing" to be submissive. YES, there are MANY women who do like submissive roles, either consciously or subconsciously, but that doesn't mean they are happy.In abusive relationships, the abused often has been under abusive conditions for so long that his or her mind has twisted the story until he or she believes that he or she is at FAULT for the abuse, and that the abuser has the right to abuse him or her. This is not good because the abused person is being hurt not only by the abuser, but also by his or own mind. This twisting of reality does not mean anything about the abused person's intelligence; rather, it is the mind's search for a reason for the pain (inner or outer) he or she feels.The situation can be very dangerous for the abused person because it may lead to damage directly imposed by the abuser, or indirectly by causing suicide or other self-inflicted damage.-----------------OPINION - ARE MEN ALWAYS THE ABUSERSBOTH of these characters are stereotypes, and stereotyping people is also wrong. Because pretty much only the stereotype man is abusive. And pretty much only the stereotype woman is submissive. And pretty much only the stereotype woman will suffer and take all the abuse. In real life, there are also dominant/abusive/controlling women.Although the solution is often stated as, "If you are in an abusive relationship, get away. It is the only solution."However, this is sometimes an oversimplification, because the interpersonal relationship between any two people is complex, and cannot be classified as simply right or wrong, abuser and abused. It may require a dispassionate, trained counselor to recommend a course of action that will be beneficial for either partner in a marriage or relationship.

Do emotionally abusive men love the women they abuse?

Being emotionally abusive has a lot of factors and reasons and history. Maybe when they were young, they were also abused by their parents or someone they love. So sometimes it's just a result of a bad past or childhood or experience. Loving isn't really a question here. Love will always be there. It's just a matter of misconception.

Michael Jackson interesting fact about childhood?

He didn't have one because he was always singing or rehearsing for a show.

What do men feel if they have an abusive wife?

There are many men out in society that are either verbally or physically abused than society knows because it has always been about abused women because they are classed as the weaker sex, but many men are abused. Most good men are brought up not to hit a woman so if the girlfriend or wife is verbally abusive the man is more likely to go into a shell of his own or keep out of her way. If he is physically abused he will not fight back, but may try to restrain the abuser. He does not tell his friends or coworkers because he fears he will be considered a coward or a 'wimp' and often his male friends would say, 'Well hit her back!' It is not a good piece of advice. There are programs that abused men can go too for help and it is kept strictly confidential. Unfortunately, like men feeling they are infallible and should always act manly they will generally not seek out psychological counseling or go to any program regarding abuse. What do men feel like when abused by their wife?: They feel they are no longer a man; they are in a submissive role they are not use too; he feels he is there to protect his wife and any children they have, but the abusive wife has taken this power from him; he fears his friends will find out; it can affect his job; he may become depressed. Women who are insistent on abusing their husbands either verbally or physically may well be faced with a husband that may snap one day and it could lead to some unpleasant outcomes. A man has the right to file for divorce againt a wife that abuses him.