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Yes, He wrote it in 1839.

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Q: Was Oliver Twist written in Victorian times?
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Was Oliver Twist based on victorian times?

I dont THINK so, he may have been based on a real person/experience.

What laws where made for children in Victorian times?

the life for children the Victorian times was cruel brutal and just plain discriminating because all children had to work

Who wrote the novels hard times and Oliver's twist?

Charles Dickens.

What was Charles Dickens hard times and Oliver Twist books language?

Charles Dickens wrote in English.

What Charles Dickens were made into films and when?

The books that king Charles made in to films were oliver Twist hard times

How many times has Oliver Twist been made into a film?

Billionz I think. It was a great book.

Christmas carols written in Victorian times?

I Think Its 1843

Is Oliver Twist a true story?

no it was a fictional story about life in the Victorian times

Can you tell me Oliver Twist's age?

Oliver Twist is a fictional character created by Charles Dickens, so his age can vary depending on the adaptation. In the original novel, Oliver is portrayed as a young orphan boy, around 9 years old.

Who reigned in Victorian times?

Victoria reigned in Victorian times.

In victorian times did they have guns?

yes they did have shotguns in Victorian times.

When was Oliver Twist made?

It took place in nineteenth-century England. the time frame is not directly stated in the story, from what I understand, One would assume early Victorian times, as she ruled from l837-l90l, covering most of the century, in back view. I am editing this as the answer is clearly wrong. The book was published in parts from 1837 onwards. However Dickens could not have taken reference for a period in the future since he clearly wrote the book before publication. Therefore this work is of Georgian London and in actuality, was made up of Dicken's own memories and observations whilst growing up.