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The piano exam pieces for 2007 to 2008, for grade one are:

A:1 - Sarabanda (Third movement from Sonata in D minor, Op.5 No.7) - CORELLI

A:2 - Moderato in C (No.5 from 50 pieces a lusage des commencans, Op. 38) - HASSLER

A:3 - Allegro in F (K.1c.) - MOZART

B:1 - The Industrious Student (Op.31 No.3) - .K.J.BISCHOFF

B:2 - Andante (No.22 from 41 Klavierstucke, Op.93) - ENCKHAUSEN

B:3 - Banges Herelein (No.5 from Jugend - Album, Op.47) - R. FUCHS

C:1 - The Old Cuckoo-Clock () - N. BSNCHINSKAYA

C:2 - Mini Rag (from Original Piano Jazz) - MICHEL LE COZ

C:3 - Moebius () - DAVID SAWER.

Sorry, but these are not up to date. If you are wondering what the 2009 exam pieces are for the grade one exam on the piano, then you can look these pieces up, and you should get an idea on the difficulty level. Most pieces will vary, but you will find that they might be similar.

Also, I have noticed a HUGE jump between the grade one and the grade two pieces- there should be an extra level in between them really! But just practise first, and don'r make the mistake I did, rush on, try and take it slowly, and revise, so that you can jump up an even higher level. :@)

I hope this helped, just message me to find the grade two pieces for 2009, and I will post another up on here.


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There are no age restrictions for taking exams (ABRSM, anyway). It really depends how long you have been learning before you take it; I did grade one at 6 and got a distinction but most people I know did grade one later. The average age is probably about 10 for taking the exam, because it can take a few years sometimes to learn to play the piano before you even take an exam. Then it takes quite a few months to prepare for it.

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