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Q: What are the different musical styles and techniques?
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What are the musical styles and techniques?

Just ask Google mate

What do you call it when styles from 2 different musical traditions combine?

it is called melody

Why did green day make another band?

Mainly to explore different musical styles.

What was the music style in the 50's?

There are were a few different musical styles of the 1950s. These styles included fun beach tunes and dance music.

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Philippine music is made up of many different musical styles and types.

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What dance styles is present in Consider Yourself in the Musical Oliver?

The styles of dance in Oliver! is musical theatre

Definition of teaching style?

teaching styles may be different instructional techniques or styles that different teachers use. For example, some teachers may use a teaching style that is largely student directed and others may not.

Who is better Eminem or Justin Bieber?

Eminem and Justin Bieber have very different musical styles. The answer to this question is a matter of opinion.

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