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Q: What are the first notes for hitchin' a ride by green day on the piano?
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What are the first three keys on the piano?

On a standard piano, the first three notes are, A, A Sharp/ B flat, B. If you are speaking of the Piano Notes In General, they are C, C Sharp, and D, or C, D, and E.

What are the notes for et on piano?

what are the piano notes for the song ET

What are the two notes before middle c on the piano called?

the two notes before middle c is b first then a. p.s. i take piano lessons

What is notes on piano?

Basically the notes you'll mainly encounter on the piano is A,B,C,D,E,F and G. But in reading them in the notes and the piano is different. These piano notes can either be a flat and a sharp notes. And piano notes doesn't just end with these letters. There are also the G-clef and Bass Clef and many more. This website has a massive information regarding piano and musical notes. Go check it out.

What are the piano notes for unchained melody?

The piano notes for the song, Unchained Melody, can be found on the website Music Notes.

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piano notes to castle on a cloud easy for kids

If the white notes on a piano are called the 'natural notes' what are the black notes called?

These keys are the white ones on the piano, yes. These are the black notes on the piano.

Where can you find let the drummer kick piano tabs?

i dont know but the first couple of notes on the piano for the start of the song is ddbccbddbcc

What order do you play the notes in clubpeguin misson 7?

first you find the music in the pizza parlor then you play the notes on the piano by color

How do you read music notes for a piano?

Its not something you can just do automatically, because when you start off playing the piano, reading notes is one of the first things you learn. You read notes according to legger lines, and accordingly play them on the piano. I recommend sitting down and asking for the help of someone who knows how to play.

What are the piano notes for The Nights I can't Remember on the piano by hedley?

i don't have te piano notes but will give u advice it is Arabian Nights

How are the different notes made in a piano?

you kill barbaloots and the squeeks they make are used as the different notes in a piano