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(chorus) It starts with an S

It ends with a T

It comes out of you

And it comes out me

I know what you're thinking

But don't call it that

Be scientific and call it SCAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: What are the lyrics to the scat song from camp keep ocean?
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What are the lyrics to the Scat Song from camp Jones gulch?

It starts with an s and it end with a t it comes out you and it comes out of me I know what your thinkin but don't call it scat. A piece of what a piece of scat a piece of what a piece of scat a bear ate a berry it was bigger than a cherry and it came out kind of hairy was a piece of scat

What is Jazz singing called that uses improvised vocal sounds?

answer is "scat" And those are the "scat" performers of the group.

How do you scat?

Scat singing is vocalizing either wordlessly or with nonsense words and syllables (e.g. "bippity-bippity-doo-wop-razzamatazz-skoobie-doobie-bee-bop-a-lula-shabazz") as employed by jazz singers who create the equivalent of an instrumental solo using only the voice. Also it is a type of voice instrumental. While the use of nonsense syllables in singing long predates scat, scat singing is distinguished by the fact that rather than using the sounds to exactly reproduce the melodic line, improvisations are made with the melody and rhythm, much as in other jazz improvisations. Another form of jazz singing, vocalese, is closely related, but uses lyrics rather than nonsense syllables. Often, rather than improvising melodies, practitioners of vocalese sing lyrics to improvisations by instrumental performers.

What classic rock song starts out with a scat?

scat man cerothers.

Jazz vocal improvisation sometimes uses nonsense syllables to make new melodies This technique is called?

scat singing