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Q: What are the materials in steel pan drums?
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Related questions

What does a pan stick for steel drums look like?

it is alike a normal drum stick

What materials is the musical instrument the handpan made of?

HandPan are made from Steel, the same as the 'Steel Pan' (sometimes called steel drums) that at least partially inspired their creation. According to the related link the Hang (often called 'Hang drum') created by PANArt, is made from 'Nitrided steel'.

Give you a brief history of steel pan drums?


What instrument is made from an oil drum?

This confuses some people, but old oil drums are commonly repurposed into what are called "steel drums" or "pan instruments." Steel drums are pitched percussion instruments which are commonly used in tropical island settings. Google "Steel Drum" and you'll get all kinds of information. Enjoy!

What type of drums do Africa have?

The conga and the bongo drums, and occasionally the steel drums

What do you call a Jamaican Drum?

A steel drum (or steel pan) is Trinidadian not Jamaican. In fact it is a totally different type of instrument. Jamaican drums are all types of membranophones (eg. the bass drum, funde drum and kété drums)

What other instruments are used in calypso music apart from steel drums?

bongo drums and steel drums and electric drums

How are steel drums tuned?

Tuning steel drums requires a lot of skill. Normally, it is recommend to use a trained steel drum tuner. When your steel drum needs tuning, you may have to ship the steel drum back to the supplier and have them to tune it for you. If you are serious about learning to tune the steel drums, try the site in related links. It has very good instructions on how to tune a steel drum (steel pan). If you decide to tune the steel drum yourself, be very careful! You could cause serious damage to the instrument if not done correctly.

Give a brief history for who invented the steel pan?

The steel pan was invented in Trinidad and Tobago in the 1930s. It evolved from drumming traditions brought by African slaves and rhythms from other Caribbean cultures. The invention of the steel pan is credited to various individuals and communities who experimented with creating musical instruments out of discarded oil drums.

Did steel drums come from Jamaica?

The steel drum as it exists today was invented in Trinidad during World War II when Ellie Mannette stole an empty 55-gallon oil drum from the U.S. Navy yard where he worked, hammered the top into a hemispherical shape (which he called the pan) and created pitched areas in the pan.

Is there musical stainless steel drums?

Steel drums are made from a specific grade of steel, but not what is known as stainless steel.

How are drums tuned?

Tuning steel drums requires a lot of skill. Normally, it is recommend to use a trained steel drum tuner. When your steel drum needs tuning, you may have to ship the steel drum back to the supplier and have them to tune it for you. If you are serious about learning to tune the steel drums, try the site in related links. It has very good instructions on how to tune a steel drum (steel pan). If you decide to tune the steel drum yourself, be very careful! You could cause serious damage to the instrument if not done correctly.