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Q: What are the original members of commonwealth?
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Can the original 13 American states compete in the Commonwealth Games?

No, because they are part of the United States and only members of the Commonwealth of Nations can and the US is not.

Why are Commonwealth countries called as Commonwealth countries?

The Commonwealth countries are called that because they are all members of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Why isn't America in the Commonwealth Games?

The Commonwealth Games are a series or sports competitions among the members of the Commonwealth of Nations, which is primarily a group of countries that were once part of the British Empire. Neither China nor Japan are members of the Commonwealth & hence are not a part of the games.

What countries compete at the Commonwealth Games?

The Countries that are members of the Commonwealth of Nations can compete in the Commonwealth Games.

What is meant by Commonwealth countries?

Commonwealth countries are those countries that are members of an organization called the Commonwealth of Nations. Most members, but not all, were once part of the British Empire.

How many members has the commonwealth?

As of May 2013, the Commonwealth has 54 member countries.

Why is US not participating in the commonwealth games?

The US is not a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Only members participate in the Commonwealth Games.Because the US is not a member of the Commonwealth

Which African members of the present commonwealth was never part of the british empire or had any other constitutional links with another commonwealth members?


Why are these games known as Commonwealth Games?

The nations participating are all members of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Why isn't the USA a part of the commonwealth games?

Neither are members of the British Commonwealth of Nations

What is the Commonwealth games in Glasgow 2014?

The Commonwealth games are a sort of mini Olympics open to people from members of the British Commonwealth

Why is the commonwealth so called?

It's the games for athletes representing members of the Commonwealth of Nations, formerly called the British Commonwealth.