

Best Answer

1. chariots

2. mastered ironworking, so weapons are strong

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Q: What are three aspects of a sumerian army?
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What are three aspects of Sumerian army?

1. chariots 2. mastered ironworking, so weapons are strong

What are aspects of a Sumerian army?

1. chariots 2. mastered ironworking, so weapons are strong

Who controlled all aspects of Sumerian life?

The two rivers: Tigris and Euphrates

Who made up the three classes in the Sumerian social hierarchy?

Community members made up the three classes in the Sumerian society.

What was a sumerian kings job?

The Sumerian king controlled the army and led battles. He made the laws, supervised irrigation projects and oversaw priests.

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by priests ford to the army

What were the duties of the sumerian rulers?

the duties of the Sumerian army's are: to fight in the war from other villages, to follow the leader of the army's directions, and to protect there village from harm.

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The answer is The leader of the army

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Temples in Sumerian cities were not just places of worship, but also served as economic centers where goods were stored and traded. They were administrative hubs where decisions related to the city's governance and resources were made. Temples in Sumerian cities also acted as centers of learning and housed scribes and scholars who were instrumental in preserving and transmitting knowledge.

Why was to easy for sargon and his army to invade the sumerian city-states?

to kill all of his family an friends