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Radio waves are not conducted. They propagate. They do not need a medium through which to propagate. They just move.

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Pulsar or could be Quasar

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Q: What conducts radio waves through space?
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Why can radio waves travel through space but sound waves can not?

Radio waves travel through empty space because they are electromagnetic waves, whereas sound is a wave that must travel through air.

Why radio waves can travel through space but sound waves cannot?

radio astronomy

Why can radio waves can travel through space but sound waves cannot?

radio astronomy

Waves that do not requir matter to carry energy through space?

Radio waves and light waves.

How spacewave came back to the earth?

Radio waves are often referred to as space waves because they have the ability to move through space. Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation.

What do scientists use to study radio waves traveling through space?

Radio telescopes.

How could Neil Armstrong talk to Nixon through the vacuum of space?

The communication was done using radio signals which can be transmitted in a vacuum. Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, as are light waves, x-rays and microwaves. Just as light from far distance stars travel through empty space and reach your eyes, so can radio waves travel through space to a radio receiver.

Do radio waves need a medium to travel through?

Radiation doesnt need a medium because it travels through space

Why do astronauts use radio waves instead of sound waves to communicate in space?

sound needs something to travel through and space has no air for it to travel

How can the command centre communicate with the space ship in space if outer space is a vacuum?

They use radio waves which are a type of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum Ligth is a type of electromagnetic wave and that travels through space from the sun and the stars.

What are 3 things that travel in waves even through space?

Radio, light, and sound.

Can people disrupt radio waves by standing in front of them?

Yes. Radio waves are electromagnetic and are affected by anything that conducts electricity. The human body is mostly made of water, which conducts electricity and therefore affects radio waves. To demonstrate the effect, see what happens when you move around a radio tuned to a station with relatively poor reception.