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Q: What dim and gradually play softer?
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What does dim stand for in music piece?

Most commonly, in music "dim" stands for "diminuendo". It is a dynamic and means to gradually play softer and softer. Typically, this should be continued until a new dynamic is given for the musician to adopt.

What is a decreshendo?

decrescendo means growing softer or gradually get softer

What size reed is softer a size 2 or a size 3?

I believe that a size 2 is softer and easier to play. The lower the number, the easier to play. Most beginners start on 2 and gradually get larger/harder. Hope this helped!

What is gradually getting softer in musical terms?


What is another word for decrescendo?

Decrescendo means to get softer, but to do so gradually, not immediately. A decrescendo can occur over a few beats or over many measures. When the decrescendo is spread over several measures, it may be indicated "Descrendo poco a poco" -- get softer little by little.

Ano ang ibigsabihin ng cresendo?

Gradually getting softer

Does cresendo mean getting gradually louder or softer?

Crescendo means getting louder.

Music term decrescendo mean?

decresendo is where the music becomes softer. It is an Italian word meaning growing softer. hope that helpedIt means gradually getting quieter (diminuendo means the same). Crescendo means gradually getting louder.

What cresc. mean in music?

a crescendo,or cresc, for short is a symbol in a piece of music indicating to gradually get louder .a decrescendo means he opposite,to gradually get softer.

What does dim mean in musical terms?

It is short for diminuendo, which means gradually getting quieter. The opposite of this is crescendo (gradually getting louder, and it is sometimes written as cresc.)

What is a brake dimmer?

A device to gradually dim the brake lights after they are held on for over a set period of time.

What are dynamics?

Dynamics refer to the volume or loudness of notes. Dynamics range from piano(soft)to forte(loud). crescendo means gradually becoming louder, and diminuendo means gradually becoming softer