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Free blowing means that the Trumpet doesn't feel stuffy when you play it. I'm not really sure how to explain it, other than comparing this: imagine blowing air through a soda straw, then blowing air through a water hose. The water hose is bigger and will allow you to blow larger amounts of air through it.

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Q: What do they mean by a free-blowing trumpet?
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do you mean a trumpet snake? it is a pipe snake fashioned for the trumpet to make cleaning it easier.

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Do you mean "Who invented the trumpet?" If you do, my guess is that the Ancient Egypt did.

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Yes, the trumpet 1 part is normally harder than trumpet 2 or 3 and normally the best player or players play on the first trumpet part.

Were does it vibrate on a trumpet?

It depends on what you mean, but in general, when you play a trumpet, the entire thing vibrates to some extent.

When did Henry Purcell compose Sound and Trumpet?

Assuming you mean "Sound the Trumpet" it was written in April, 1694.

What family does the trumpet come from?

The trumpet is the highest member of the brass family. By highest I mean it can go the highest in pitch.

You lost the screw to the 3rd valve slide key on your trumpet will that effect your trumpet?

yup. If you mean the water key, yes.

What is a brass instrument like a trumpet?

If, by "bb" you mean b-flat, that is a trumpet that plays in the key of B-flat, as opposed to a C trumpet or E-flat trumpet.

What does the 20B mean when buying a trumpet?

If it's a Conn trumpet, it's the model number. The Conn 20B is a student model horn.

What does trombone mean in italian?

Haha...trick question, right?Trombone IS Italian, meaning "large trumpet".